Comic Author Frank Tieri

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Underworld (2006)

What If? Spider-Man: House of M

Ziggy Pig - Silly Seal Comics (2019)

Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

X-Men: 'Nuff Said

Avengers: Nuff Said

Old Lady Harley

Jughead the Hunger vs. Vampironica

Vampironica: New Blood

Batman: The Devastator

Civil War: War Crimes

Venom: War of the Realms

Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool

Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors

Ruins Of Ravencroft

Pestilence: A Story of Satan

Deathstroke/Yogi Bear Special

Wolverine: Mr. X

The Darkness: Wanted Dead

Convergence: Zero Hour

Wolverine/Hercules - Myths, Monsters & Mutants
