Comic Genre Literature

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Moomin: The Complete Lars Jansson Comic Strip

The Vertical Sea

Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths & Legends Quarterly – Wonderland

A Dark Interlude

Knife's Edge



Lip Hook


Eight-Lane Runaways

The Butchery

Joe Frank: Ascent

Visual Crime

The Penguin Café at the Edge of the World

And Now, Sir... Is THIS Your Missing Gonad?


I Know What I Am: The Life and Times of Artemisia Gentileschi

Museum Vaults: Excerpts from the Journal of an Expert

Crash Site

Rex Libris

Shades of Magic

Farewell, Brindavoine

I Want You

My Dirty Dumb Eyes

Flood! A Novel in Pictures

In Pictopia

The City of Belgium

Hot Dog Taste Test


Unfinished Business

Papaya Salad

Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip

Hair Shirt

Soupy Leaves Home


Flayed Corpse and Other Stories
