Comic Author Kurt Busiek

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Batman: Creature of the Night

Iron Man (1998)

Jack Kirby's TeenAgents


Red Tornado (1985)

Iron Man: The Iron Age

Kurt Busiek's Astro City (1995)

Astro City/Arrowsmith

Astro City: Beautie

Astro City: The Dark Age Book Four

Kurt Busiek's Astro City 3D Special

Astro City: Silver Agent

Astro City: Samaritan

Astro City Special

Astro City A Visitors Guide

Astro City

Tangent Comics/ Sea Devils

The Wizard's Tale

Spartan: Warrior Spirit

Avengers (1998)

Ninjak (1997)

Astro City: Dark Age/Book One

Astro City: Dark Age/Book Two

Astro City: Dark Age/Book Three

Silver Age: Green Lantern

Spider-Man: Legacy of Evil

Marvels Epilogue

The Power Company

Spider-Man and X-Factor: Shadowgames

Strange Tales (1994)

Superstar: As Seen On TV

Thunderbolts (1997)

Velocity (1995)

The Power Company: Bork

The Power Company: Josiah Power

The Power Company: Manhunter
