Comic Author Len Kaminski

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Aftermath (2000)

Spirits of Vengeance: Rise of the Midnight Sons


JLA: Foreign Bodies

Avataars: Covenant of the Shield

Squadron Supreme: New World Order

Avengers/Squadron Supreme '98

Rune (1995)

Scare Tactics

Challengers of the Unknown (1997)

Venom: The Hunger

2099: Manifest Destiny

Lady Death: Tribulation

Lady Death: Dark Millennium

Morbius: The Living Vampire (1992)

Adventures of Snake Plissken

Venom: Seed of Darkness

Armageddon (1999)

Lady Demon (2000)

The Creeper (1997)

Lady Death: The Rapture

Lady Death: Judgement War

Lady Death vs. Purgatori

Evil Ernie: War of the Dead

Satan's Six: Hellspawn


Purgatori: Empire

Ultraverse Unlimited

Avengers: Galactic Storm

Justice Leagues: Justice League of Amazons

Justice Leagues: Justice League of Atlantis

Bloodshot (1997)

Rune: Infinity

Bad Kitty: Mischief Night

Purgatori vs. Lady Death

Lady Death: Alive
