Comic Author Peter David

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Wolverine: Rahne of Terra

Castle: A Calm Before Storm

Darkstar & The Winter Guard

Spider-Man Special Edition

Supergirl Plus

Aquaman: Time and Tide

Angel Spotlight

Fallen Angel: Return of the Son

Halo: Helljumper

Supergirl (1996)

The Phantom (1988)

World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker

Star Trek (1989)

Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs

Prime Vs. The Incredible Hulk

Guardians of the Galaxy: The Prodigal Sun

Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man

Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality

Hulk: Destruction

Creepy (1993)

Incredible Hulk: The End

Silver Surfer: The Prodigal Sun

Avengers: Back To Basics

X-Factor (2006)

Wonder Man (2007)

Spike vs. Dracula

Deadpool's Art of War

Symbiote Spider-Man

Sachs & Violens

The Prox Transmissions

Fallen Angel (2005)

Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - Bitter Medicine

Epic Mickey: The Graphic Novel

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2005)

John Carter: The World of Mars

Dark Tower: End-World Almanac
