Comic Name Status Conspiracy: Men In Black Completed Conspiracy: Men In Black Is the government monitoring you? Are there secret organizations controlling society? Do creatures not of this world live among us? All of this and mo... Conspiracy: Planet X Completed Conspiracy: Planet X Planet X. What truly lies in the depths of space? Is there more life than we know? So far we are the only known intelligence in our galaxy, but what i... Constance & Nano: Engineering Adventure Ongoing Constance & Nano: Engineering Adventure Curious high school student Constance noticed that every time it rains, the streets flood and traffic gets dangerous! With the help of her teacher and... Constantine Completed Constantine John Constantine is an occult detective and professional sorcerer from Liverpool, England. His gritty and brutal attitude makes him recognizable as a... Constantine: Distorted Illusions Completed Constantine: Distorted Illusions John Constantine is, and has always been, a magician of the highest caliber-who doesn''t need additional training from any highbrow magician, thank yo... Constantine: Futures End Completed Constantine: Futures End The star of JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK is unleashed in his own series! Liar, cheater, manipulator: John Constantine is all of them, and yet he uses these ski... Constantine: The Hellblazer Ongoing Constantine: The Hellblazer In the wake of the Constantine television series being cancelled, I wasn''t much for holding out hope for a resurgence of Hellblazer anything, mostly... Constantine: The Official Movie Adaptation Completed Constantine: The Official Movie Adaptation The official, line for line, comic book adaption of the Constantine film. Constitution Illustrated Completed Constitution Illustrated The master of the visual mash-up returns with his signature idiosyncratic take on the constitution R. Sikoryak is the master of the pop culture pastic... Construct Completed Construct A future society run by robots awaits the return of humanity. With time running out for their civilization, one group seeks the truth about their exis... Consumed Completed Consumed Four issues mini-series. Contagion Completed Contagion A NEW EVIL BEYOND UNDERSTANDING COMES TO THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! A seemingly unstoppable force has invaded the Marvel Universe, and it''s going to take e... Containment Completed Containment Screenwriter Eric Red (THE HITCHER, NEAR DARK) offers up a zombie story set in space. On a manned NASA space ship millions of miles from Earth, a terr... Contest of Champions (2015) Completed Contest of Champions (2015) Welcome to the Battlerealm, a broken section of space-time where cosmic beings gamble for the ultimate power while their unwilling pawns fight for the... Contest of Champions II Completed Contest of Champions II The greatest heroes of the Marvel Universe go to war, with each other, in this all-new super slugfest! From deep space comes the Coiterie, a group of... Contest of Chaos Completed Contest of Chaos Agatha Harkness wants a new Darkhold, and she''s using Earth''s heroes to get it! The Contest of Chaos is on as Spider-Man passes through a portal to... Contract Completed Contract Welcome to a dark future of capitalism, where Mercenary is no longer just a soldier for hire, but a way of life. Jessie Garrett, however, is everythin... Contract Solo Mission: Jessie Completed Contract Solo Mission: Jessie As the hard working CEO of the CyberMerc company, The Stellar Rangers, Jessie Garrett needs a break from the daily mercenary rat race. A visit home to... Contractors Completed Contractors N/a Contrapaso Ongoing Contrapaso Madrid, winter of 1956. Franco''s fascist dictatorship controls the press and maintains the fiction of an idyllic nation. Faced with the Regime''s att... Control Completed Control Detective-Sergeant Kate Burnham isn''t making any friends in the Washington DC Police Department. That makes her the perfect scapegoat when a routine... Contropussy Completed Contropussy From Emma Caulfield, the popular actress who portrayed Anya on Joss Whedon''s Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and co-writer Camilla Rantsen, comes Contropus... Convergence Completed Convergence The Earthquakes felt round the Multiverse, Superman''s lost days after “Doomed,” the World''s End – all these points will converge as the history of t... Convergence Action Comics Completed Convergence Action Comics STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Superman teams up with Power Girl, but can they stop a nuclear strike by Lex Luthor and Stalin of Red... Convergence Adventures of Superman Completed Convergence Adventures of Superman STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Superman and Supergirl attempt to free their city via the Phantom Zone but learn that if they succeed,... Convergence Aquaman Completed Convergence Aquaman STARRING HEROES FROM ZERO HOUR! Aquaman has lost his home, his powers, and his hand...but now he faces his most difficult challenge: a battle to the f... Convergence Atom Completed Convergence Atom STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! There''s a mysterious voice in Ray Palmer''s head! Does that mean The Atom is going mad? To find out what... Convergence Batgirl Completed Convergence Batgirl STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! After a year living under the confinement of the dome, Stephanie Brown isn''t sure she wants to be Batgir... Convergence Batman and Robin Completed Convergence Batman and Robin STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! Being trapped in a domed city makes for a tense, inescapable family reunion as Batman struggles to keep t... Convergence Batman and the Outsiders Completed Convergence Batman and the Outsiders STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! After a year under the dome, the Outsiders have gone their separate ways, but when OMAC attacks, Batma... Convergence Batman: Shadow of the Bat Completed Convergence Batman: Shadow of the Bat STARRING HEROES FROM ZERO HOUR! Fresh out of recovery from a broken back, Bruce Wayne infiltrates the organized crime underworld, but the outlaw sent... Convergence Blue Beetle Completed Convergence Blue Beetle STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Hub City is on the brink of collapse and anarchy! But its heroes—Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, and The Qu... Convergence Booster Gold Completed Convergence Booster Gold STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Trapped with Rip Hunter and other time travelers, Booster Gold and his future self must work together... Convergence Catwoman Completed Convergence Catwoman STARRING HEROES FROM ZERO HOUR! A year under the dome can change anyone—even Catwoman. She''s set aside her life of crime to become the protector of S... Convergence Crime Syndicate Completed Convergence Crime Syndicate STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! The Crime Syndicate''s absolute control over their city of a bygone era comes crashing down when Super... Convergence Detective Comics Completed Convergence Detective Comics STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Helena Wayne and Dick Grayson fight side by side in memory of Bruce Wayne as they decide who will beco... Convergence Flash Completed Convergence Flash STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Trapped in Gotham City, Barry Allen has nowhere to run. He fights on, seeking justice as well as a way... Convergence Green Arrow Completed Convergence Green Arrow STARRING HEROES FROM ZERO HOUR! Don''t miss the first meeting between Oliver Queen and his son, Connor Hawke! Father and son may be united, but is the... Convergence Green Lantern Corps Completed Convergence Green Lantern Corps STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Say the Oath, save the world! If only being in the Green Lantern Corps was that easy. Hal has resigned... Convergence Green Lantern/Parallax Completed Convergence Green Lantern/Parallax STARRING HEROES FROM ZERO HOUR! A powerless Kyle Rayner visits a Metropolis prison to see a devastated Hal Jordan who believes he has murdered the Gre... Convergence Harley Quinn Completed Convergence Harley Quinn STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! Life for Harley Quinn has become downright normal over the last year. Will she be ready to go nuts when C... Convergence Hawkman Completed Convergence Hawkman STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Hawkman and Hawkgirl put their Shadow War on hold as they face the might of anthropomorphic rat-men an... Convergence Infinity Inc. Completed Convergence Infinity Inc. STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! The young heroes of Infinity, Inc. must choose between the path set for them by their parents or the o... Convergence Justice League Completed Convergence Justice League STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! The Justice League story you never expected to see begins when Supergirl, Zatanna, Vixen and Jade attend... Convergence Justice League International Completed Convergence Justice League International STARRING HEROES FROM ZERO HOUR! Ted Kord, Martian Manhunter, Fire and Ice star as the levity of the JLI team collides with the severity of the world o... Convergence Justice League of America Completed Convergence Justice League of America STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! With their heavy hitters sidelined, Elongated Man must lead the much-maligned ÒDetroit Justice LeagueÓ... Convergence Justice Society of America Completed Convergence Justice Society of America STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Older and in full retirement under the dome, members of the Justice Society get the chance to regain t... Convergence New Teen Titans Completed Convergence New Teen Titans STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Titans Together! The greatest Titans team of them all takes on the might of the Tangent Universe''s Do... Convergence Nightwing/Oracle Completed Convergence Nightwing/Oracle STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! Just as they''ve finally been reunited, the romance between Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon is sentenced... Convergence Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters Completed Convergence Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! You have to see this story to believe it! Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters are on the gallows in a... « 1 2 ... 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 ... 595 596 »