Comic Name Status Frankenstein (1973) Completed Frankenstein (1973) Mary Shelley''s classic, resurrected in the mighty Marvel manner! The most spine-tingling read in English literature, Frankenstein tells the tale of t... Frankenstein (1989) Completed Frankenstein (1989) N/a Frankenstein Alive, Alive! Completed Frankenstein Alive, Alive! Few works by comic-book artists have earned the universal acclaim and reverence that Bernie Wrightson''s illustrated version of Mary Wollstonecraft Sh... Frankenstein and the Conquerors of the Cosmos Completed Frankenstein and the Conquerors of the Cosmos FRANKENSTEIN! Frankenstein Mobster Completed Frankenstein Mobster The Frankenstein Mobster is four souls in one patchwork body: Three mobsters and one cop fighting for control. And even if the cop wins, he''ll feel d... Frankenstein Underground Completed Frankenstein Underground Hellboy''s creator takes on history''s greatest monster! After a fight with Hellboy, Frankenstein''s monster escapes the terrible Mexican laboratory w... Frankenstein Undone Ongoing Frankenstein Undone Mignola takes on Frankenstein! Frankenstein''s creator lies dead in the icy grip of the Arctic, and the monster searches for a new purpose. Just as he... Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. Completed Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. Frankenstein is part of a network of strange beings that work for an even stranger government organization. But can he protect the world from threats... Frankenstein, Jr. Completed Frankenstein, Jr. One shot. Frankenstein: New World Ongoing Frankenstein: New World Mignola''s Frankenstein monster returns! Safely tucked away inside the hollow earth where humanity survived after Ragna Rok, precocious young Lilja re... Frankenstein: The Mad Science of Dick Briefer Completed Frankenstein: The Mad Science of Dick Briefer It''s alive! It''s alive! Not exactly what Mary Shelley had in mind, Frankenstein: The Mad Science of Dick Briefer reanimates the most unusual Franken... Frankenstein's Womb Completed Frankenstein's Womb The newest addition to Warren Ellis'' Apparat line of Original Graphic Novels has arrived. 1816 was called The Year Without A Summer. In the weird dar... Frankie And Lana Completed Frankie And Lana Continued from Frankie Comics, Frankie And Lana ran during 1948 through 1949 for 4 issues. This series then continued into Frankie Fuddle. Frankie and the Creepy Cute Critters Completed Frankie and the Creepy Cute Critters Frankie Fairy loves to learn about creepy crawly critters in her own backyard! Now that she''s at a new school, she''s excited to learn even more abou... Frankie Comics Completed Frankie Comics Continued from Movie Tunes Comics, Frankie Comics ran during 1946 through 1949 for 8 issues. This series then continued back into Frankie And Lana. Frankie Comics (2020) Completed Frankie Comics (2020) Real life artist couple Rachel and Mike know who the real star in their home is: their fluffy cat, Frankie. The popular long-running strip Frankie Com... Frankie Fuddle Completed Frankie Fuddle Frankie Fuddle was published during 1949 for a total of 2 issues. This series was continued from Frankie and Lana. Franklin Richards One Shot Completed Franklin Richards One Shot THE SUPER SON OF FANTASTIC FOUR''S VERY OWN SUE AND REED RICHARDS GETS HIS COMIC DEBUT! Franklin Richards Fantastic Frank is no ordinary boy who does... Franklin Richards Saga Completed Franklin Richards Saga N/a Franklin Richards: A Fantastic Year Completed Franklin Richards: A Fantastic Year Collects material From Franklin Richards: Son Of A Genius, Everybody Loves Franklin, Spring Break, March Madness!, April Fools!, Sons Of Geniuses, Sch... Franklin Richards: April Fools Completed Franklin Richards: April Fools It''s that time of year again. Springtime, baseball, April showers and most importantly April Fools Day! Franklin has a plan to make everyone in his f... Franklin Richards: Dark Reigning Cats And Dogs Completed Franklin Richards: Dark Reigning Cats And Dogs The dramatic earth-shattering tie-in follow-up to the previous earth-shattering mini-series that we''re gonna release before we start another earth-sh... Franklin Richards: Fall Football Fiasco! Completed Franklin Richards: Fall Football Fiasco! It''s first down and 10,000,000 BC as Franklin Richards hits the field for another batch of terrifically terrifying tales! But it''s not just giant li... Franklin Richards: Happy Franksgiving! Completed Franklin Richards: Happy Franksgiving! He''s been nominated for an Eisner and three Harvey awards! He''s turned invisible, bounced across the country and fought giant squids! He''s tried ev... Franklin Richards: March Madness Completed Franklin Richards: March Madness Franklin Richards and his robot pal H.E.R.B.I.E. return just in time for spring break...and they''re ready to break the springs in every one of Reed R... Franklin Richards: Monster Mash Completed Franklin Richards: Monster Mash Things get frightful as Franklin Richards returns to explore the deepest, darkest corners of his father''s lab. Join Franklin and H.E.R.B.I.E. as they... Franklin Richards: Not-So-Secret Invasion Completed Franklin Richards: Not-So-Secret Invasion The secret is out and no one is safe...not even lovable little Franklin Richards and his robot pal, H.E.R.B.I.E.! The Skrulls have taken over the Baxt... Franklin Richards: School's Out! Completed Franklin Richards: School's Out! Enough of the pencils, enough of the books, enough of teacher''s dirty looks! It''s summertime and school is out of session which gives Franklin more... Franklin Richards: Sons Of Geniuses Completed Franklin Richards: Sons Of Geniuses The Marvel Universe is a world of infinite possibilities, and as a member of the Fantastic Four family, Franklin Richards has the means to explore eac... Franklin Richards: Spring Break Completed Franklin Richards: Spring Break Spring is finally here! The snow is thawing, the days are getting longer, and Franklin Richards is destroying everything in his superhero father''s se... Franklin Richards: Summer Smackdown! Completed Franklin Richards: Summer Smackdown! In this corner: wearing blue trunks and weighing in at 63 pounds -- the Baxter Building''s Baby Boy -- FRANKLIN SON OF A GENIUS RICHARDS! And in this... Franklin Richards: Super Summer Spectacular Completed Franklin Richards: Super Summer Spectacular You loved his back-up stories in your favorite comics! You loved his first two smash-hit one-shots! Now there''s even more to love, because Franklin R... Franklin Richards: World Be Warned Completed Franklin Richards: World Be Warned Exiled by his parents to the depths of his room, Franklin has always used his father''s inventions to keep himself entertained. Now Franklin has retur... Fraternity Completed Fraternity 1863: during the American Civil War, the inhabitants of New Fraternity, Indiana, find themselves far from the front lines of the conflict embroiling t... Fraternity (2022) Completed Fraternity (2022) Wyatt''s roommate has been acting strange ever since he joined that frat... Fray Completed Fray Hundreds of years in the future, Manhattan has become a deadly slum, run by mutant crime-lords and disinterested cops. Stuck in the middle is a young... Freak Force (1993) Completed Freak Force (1993) N/a Freak Force (1997) Completed Freak Force (1997) N/a Freak Show Completed Freak Show N/a Freak Snow: Washed in the Blood Completed Freak Snow: Washed in the Blood MAD MAX, BORDERLANDS, and FALLOUT inspired this action-driven, frozen wasteland adventure of a young cult survivor hearing the voice of the self-procl... FreakAngels Completed FreakAngels Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born in England at exactly the same moment. Six years ago, the world ended. Today, eleven strange... Freaks Completed Freaks An adaptation of the 1932 Todd Browning film Freaks in which Hans (A midget) falls in love with one of the women in the show. It''s a tale of deceit,... Freaks of the Heartland Completed Freaks of the Heartland Steve Niles, creator of Cal McDonald and 30 Days of Night, one of the fastest rising stars in comics today, teams with Greg Ruth, who rose to notoriet... Freaks' Squeele Completed Freaks' Squeele Chance, Xiong Mao and Ombre are three students, who enrolled at the Faculté des Études Académiques des Héros (FEAH) (Faculty of Academic Studies of He... Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe Completed Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe Fred Hembeck does what no villain (or hero) has ever been able to do... Fred Hembeck Sells the Marvel Universe Completed Fred Hembeck Sells the Marvel Universe A collection of Fred Hembeck''s strips from his run on Marvel Age. Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street Completed Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street Two issues mini-series. Freddy Lombard Completed Freddy Lombard A “must have” collection of classic adventures by one of Europe''s most feted cartoonists. PUBLICATION IN 5 VOLUMES - COMPLETED WORK. Impetuous Freddy... Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash Completed Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash Don''t miss the first two issues of a blood-soaked 6-part miniseries drawing together three of horror''s greatest characters! In the bloody wake of th... Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors Completed Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors Beneath the bloody waters of Crystal Lake, an immortal evil wakes and begins anew the cycle of grueling violence. Six months after the events of FREDD... « 1 2 ... 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 ... 598 599 »