Comic Name Status Monsters Completed Monsters In this pen-and-ink graphic novel, in 1964, Bobby Bailey is recruited for a U.S. military experimental genetics program that was discovered in Nazi Ge... Mythos: X-Men Completed Mythos: X-Men AN ALL-NEW SERIES OF PAINTED ONE-SHOTS FROM MARVEL, RECAPTURING THE EARLIEST DAYS OF OUR GREATEST HEROES! The first of a series of quintessential, sta... Marvels: Portraits Completed Marvels: Portraits Art Book featuring portraits of Marvel''s main characters with remarks by Stan Lee. Mercury Heat Ongoing Mercury Heat Blasting out of the incredible Free Comic Book Day Mercury Heat Debut comes Kieron Gillen''s World-building space epic! This ongoing monthly is pure G... Micronauts (2016) Completed Micronauts (2016) THEY CAME FROM A DYING UNIVERSE! ACROYEAR, SPACE GLIDER, BIOTRON and their allies are back, on the run from the evil BARON KARZA, and blasting through... Moon Knight Special Edition Completed Moon Knight Special Edition A three-part special series that reprinted Moon Knight''s appearances in Hulk! Magazine and Marvel Preview. Marvel's Thor: The Dark World Prelude Completed Marvel's Thor: The Dark World Prelude An all-new adventure leading you directly into the upcoming Marvel Studios blockbuster THOR: THE DARK WORLD! What happened to your favorite Asgardians... Marvel's Iron Man 3 Prelude Completed Marvel's Iron Man 3 Prelude As Tony Stark prepares for his next venture, he tasks War Machine with a mission of his own. War Machine faces his biggest test as a hero, while Iron... Marvel's Thor Adaptation Completed Marvel's Thor Adaptation What is the world of Asgard and who is the Mighty Thor? The origin of Marvel''s mightiest hero! Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (and the Monster Hunters) Completed Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (and the Monster Hunters) Creatures on the loose! This companion volume to October''s MARVEL MONSTERS event contains in-depth bios on a cadre of classic creatures, from Blip to... Marvel (2020) Completed Marvel (2020) Double-sized! Regular price! Welcome to New York City. Here, burning figures roam the streets, men in brightly colored costumes scale the glass and co... Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) Completed Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) A series of specials that started in 1990 and lasted for 15 issues. The series harbors the first appearance of Squirrel Girl in issue 8 and even publi... My Greatest Adventure (1955) Completed My Greatest Adventure (1955) N/a Metamorpho: Year One Completed Metamorpho: Year One Adventurer Rex Mason is a star - as the host of the reality series Treasure Quest, he travels the world on the hunt for the world''s hidden riches, an... Mighty Man (2017) Completed Mighty Man (2017) Seven-year-old Betty Bradford has inherited the mantle of the World''s Mightiest Man! Now she trains to take on the role of the world''s greatest supe... Mockingbird (2015) Completed Mockingbird (2015) Mockingbird thought a field trip to Angel-10 would be a breeze, but she hadn''t banked on the menacing presence of the Ulandi, the planet''s natural (... Maybe...Maybe Not Completed Maybe...Maybe Not Germany''s most popular cartoonist tells the uproarious tale of a heterosexual man who may or may not stay that way. This book and its sequel were the... Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) Completed Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) N/a Marvel Graphic Novel: Who Framed Roger Rabbit Completed Marvel Graphic Novel: Who Framed Roger Rabbit N/a Many Loves of Dobie Gillis Completed Many Loves of Dobie Gillis N/a Metamorpho (1965) Completed Metamorpho (1965) N/a Marvel's The Avengers: Black Widow Strikes Completed Marvel's The Avengers: Black Widow Strikes Before Natasha assembles with the Avengers Initiative, see her in this hard-hitting espionage adventure set between the events of IRON MAN 2 and MARVE... Marvel's Iron Man 2 Adaptation Completed Marvel's Iron Man 2 Adaptation Why is the government after Iron Man? A mysterious figure from Tony''s past returns with a vendetta. Plus: the first appearance of War Machine! Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham Completed Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham''s Age of Miracles begins! Two years have passed since the decimation of London. Miracleman presides over mankind''s G... Miss Fury in Full Color Completed Miss Fury in Full Color One shot. Merlin: Idylls of the King Completed Merlin: Idylls of the King N/a Millarworld Annual Completed Millarworld Annual The first MILLARWORLD ANNUAL—the result of an international creator search seeking the best new writers and artists to tackle MARK MILLAR''s extensive... Marvel Spotlight: War Of Kings Completed Marvel Spotlight: War Of Kings Since the early ''70s, Marvel''s cosmic comics have occupied a corner of the Marvel Universe that has provided some of the best and biggest stories th... Mundo Diablo Completed Mundo Diablo When the Spanish Conquerors arrived in our continent, they didn''t just bring their swords and gunpowder. They also brought their demons and armed ang... Magic: The Gathering--Path of Vengeance Completed Magic: The Gathering--Path of Vengeance Dack Fayden returns to Ravnica! Dack knows that the malevolent Sifa Grent has something sinister planned for the city of Ravnica, but he must uncover... Marvel 1602: Fantastick Four Completed Marvel 1602: Fantastick Four The race to the end of the world speed''s up as the Four from the Fantastick battle the Four Who Are Frightful and Count Otto von Doom! Marvel 1602 Completed Marvel 1602 The start of a whole new Marvel Universe begins here! It''s the Marvel Universe in the year 1602. Marvel 1602: New World Completed Marvel 1602: New World Return to the world of 1602! When Captain America was thrust back in time, it changed the very fabric of reality. Witness the manifestation of this ch... Megaton Man Completed Megaton Man N/a Mayday Ongoing Mayday A washed-up, drug-addicted screenwriter and a transgender bartender stumble onto a Satanic cult''s plan to sacrifice people all across LA (geomapped i... Mobster Graveyard Completed Mobster Graveyard Detectives Roger Crayton and Dan Cooper are on the biggest case of their career. The two detectives infiltrate Al Capone''s most exclusive speakeasy,... Marvel Illustrated: Swimsuit Issue Completed Marvel Illustrated: Swimsuit Issue This volume was re-titled Marvel Swimsuit Special with the next issue. Masks: Too Hot for TV! Completed Masks: Too Hot for TV! Superhero stories aimed at adults. Collected in: Wildstorm Presents #1. The story Masks: Scared Straight is also collected in DC Comics: The Sequenti... Mirror's Edge Completed Mirror's Edge Coinciding with the release of the highly anticipated new Electronic Arts game Mirror''s Edge comes an adventure unlike any other! Faith is a Runner i... Mirror's Edge: Exordium Completed Mirror's Edge: Exordium **Prequel to the upcoming video game** Leading up to the events of the highly anticipated new _Mirror''s Edge_ game comes an exhilarating comic preque... Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week (Digital) Completed Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week (Digital) This exciting foray into the official Marvel Cinematic Universe is just in time for the Avengers blockbuster movie! How will S.H.I.E.L.D. maintain the... Marvel Boy: The Uranian Completed Marvel Boy: The Uranian A young man has travelled billions of miles through space in a rocket to help our world. But is Earth of the 1950''s ready for a new super hero? Befor... Masks 2 Completed Masks 2 The Shadow. The Green Hornet and Kato. Black Terror. The Spider. Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt. Miss Fury. These are just a few of the masked vigilantes d... Man-Thing (1974) Completed Man-Thing (1974) While guarding the Nexus of All Realties, Marvel''s resident muck-man encounters an overeager duck from Duckworld, and Korrek the Barbarian! Will this... Mythos: Hulk Completed Mythos: Hulk A fully-painted retelling of the origin and earliest days of the gamma-powered titan - the Incredible Hulk! Miss Fury (2016) Completed Miss Fury (2016) The Golden Age heroine returns! New York during the second World War is a place of mystery and intrigue, but with all our boys fighting in Europe, who... Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude Completed Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude MARVEL''S OFFICIAL PREQUEL! A powerful, ancient relic has been stolen from the British Museum – a relic that could do significant damage in the wrong... Marvel Hero Project: Braden Completed Marvel Hero Project: Braden N/a Manhunter (1988) Completed Manhunter (1988) Mark Shaw stars in the first MANHUNTER series. His amazing stories began years ago, when he underwent the grueling training of the Manhunters, sworn e... Marvel Zombies/Army of Darkness Completed Marvel Zombies/Army of Darkness This is it true believers, the cross-over of the century! The Marvel Zombies come face-to-face with Dynamite Entertainment''s Ash from the Army of Dar... « 1 2 ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... 36 37 »