Comic Name Status Marvel Saga: The Official History of the Marvel Universe Completed Marvel Saga: The Official History of the Marvel Universe N/a Marvel Tales: Iron Man Completed Marvel Tales: Iron Man The gleaming Golden Avenger steals the show as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the House of Ideas with the era-spanning MARVEL TALES! This anthol... Machine Man (1978) Completed Machine Man (1978) Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, originally known as serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short) is a fictional character, an android superhe... Ministry of Space Completed Ministry of Space CONCEPT: This is the story of how we could have gone to space. Maybe how we should have gone to space. This is the story of the Ministry of Space. The... Mona Lisa: All Saints Evil Completed Mona Lisa: All Saints Evil N/a Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities Completed Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities N/a Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher Completed Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher The world has been ravaged by a terrible virus and the heroes have gone insane. The Punisher is one of the remaining uninfected humans and he''s got a... Mortal Kombat 4 Limited Edition Completed Mortal Kombat 4 Limited Edition N/a Mystique Completed Mystique Mystique can be anything you want her to be- In a world of intrigue and seduction, where mutants are feared and hated and the are not enough to protec... Marvel and DC Present featuring The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans Completed Marvel and DC Present featuring The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans N/a Majestic (2004) Completed Majestic (2004) The brilliant mind of Mr. Majestic has been anything but idle since his arrival in the DCU, and Superman isn''t happy with what he''s been up to. With... Molly Danger: Digital Completed Molly Danger: Digital She''s Strong, She''s smart, and she''s incredibly brave. She''s the protector of Coopersville, the Princess of Finesse, the petite powerhouse known o... March Ongoing March Congressman John Lewis (GA-5) is an American icon, a man who has witnessed history in the making and helped make history himself as one of the key fig... Mars Attacks (1988) Completed Mars Attacks (1988) N/a Magnus Robot Fighter (2014) Completed Magnus Robot Fighter (2014) THE GOLD KEY UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING! Superstar Fred Van Lente (Marvel Zombies, Amazing Spider-Man, Archer & Armstrong) and the astounding Cory Smith (F... Metro: Last Light Completed Metro: Last Light This story takes place between the events of the novels Metro 2033 and Metro 2035. Marilyn's Monsters Completed Marilyn's Monsters This is Marilyn Monroe like you''ve never seen her before... PUBLICATION IN 1 VOLUME - COMPLETED WORK. Chasing fame and immortality, a downtrodden Nor... Monkey Jank Completed Monkey Jank One shot. Miskatonic Ongoing Miskatonic Miskatonic Valley holds many mysteries - cultists worshipping old gods, a doctor deadset on resurrecting the recently deceased, a house overrun by rat... Magic: The Gathering - The Spell Thief Completed Magic: The Gathering - The Spell Thief Planeswalker Dack Fayden has followed Sifa Grent into a mysterious plane, where a Titan''s castle looms invitingly in the distance. Entering the castl... Marvel Mystery Comics (1939) Completed Marvel Mystery Comics (1939) The first issue of Marvel Mystery Comics is often referred to as issue #2, because the stories follow those of the single issue Marvel Comics.In the s... Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos Completed Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos She is Shiklah—undisputed Queen of the Monster Metropolis below Manhattan! Megahex Completed Megahex Megg is a depressed, drug-addicted witch. Mogg is her black cat. Their friend, Owl, is an anthropomorphized owl. They hang out a lot with Werewolf Jon... Mirage Mini Comics Completed Mirage Mini Comics A box-set of small (4 ¼” by 5 ½”) 8 page comics. Map of My Heart Completed Map of My Heart Map of My Heart celebrates the twentieth anniversary of John Porcellino''s seminal and influential comics zine, King-Cat Comics, which he started self... Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dark Princess Completed Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dark Princess For centuries evil forces have sought to take control of the realms of power and thus rule the nexus that connects; Earth. The Dark One and his Horde,... Melowy Completed Melowy When flying unicorns called Melowies turn fourteen they go to school at Destiny, a legendary castle hidden somewhere in the clouds. Here they develop... Mother, Come Home Completed Mother, Come Home Mother, Come Home is Paul Hornschemeier''s piercing graphic-novel debut. It secured the cartoonist''s place as one of his generation''s most skillful... Masked Marvel Completed Masked Marvel N/a Milestone Returns Zero Completed Milestone Returns Zero N/a Milo's World (2020) Completed Milo's World (2020) Milo often spends his time alone by a lake, where one day he finds a magnificent golden fish. When a creepy stranger also appears holding a young girl... Marie Antoinette Phantom Queen Completed Marie Antoinette Phantom Queen During the 1930s, Maud, an artist, discovers she has a psychic gift. The first signs manifest themselves in the royal gardens of the Trianon where gra... Machine Man (1984) Completed Machine Man (1984) He''s back! He''s been kicked around, pushed around, even disassembled - but Machine Man is back in the future world of 2020 AD to begin a Limited Ser... More Heroes of the Comics: Portraits of the Legends of Comic Books Completed More Heroes of the Comics: Portraits of the Legends of Comic Books Spanning the birth of the industry to its first few decades, this book has approximately 75 full-color portraits of the legends of American comic book... Mr. Majestic Completed Mr. Majestic While Mr. Majestic patrols space he''s attacked by a multi-tentacled enemy. After defeating it he discovers that it was just a probe that was getting... Marsupilami: The Beast Completed Marsupilami: The Beast Belgium, 1955. A mysterious animal is caught in the jungles of South America and transported to Europe on a cargo ship, where it ends up starving and... Men of War Completed Men of War N/a Marvel Feature (1971) Completed Marvel Feature (1971) Who are -- The Defenders? None other than Dr. Strange -- the Sub-Mariner -- and the Hulk! No wonder we made this one king-size! Master of Kung Fu (1974) Completed Master of Kung Fu (1974) Master of Kung Fu featured martial arts secret agent Shang-Chi. Although Shang-Chi was an original Marvel Comics character, many of his supporting cas... Marvel Feature (1975) Completed Marvel Feature (1975) The first ongoing series, under the guise of Marvel Feature, starring Red Sonja as the main character. The series was stopped with issue 7 and was rep... Magic: The Gathering (2011) Completed Magic: The Gathering (2011) N/a Marvel's Voices: Legacy Completed Marvel's Voices: Legacy CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH IN MIGHTY MARVEL STYLE! Black Panther. Storm. Blade. Falcon. Ironheart. Luke Cage. Spectrum. And so many more. Marvel'... Marvel Western: Strange Westerns Starring the Black Rider Completed Marvel Western: Strange Westerns Starring the Black Rider Reuniting the comic legends Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers (BATMAN: DARK DETECTIVE)—the famed writer/artist team tell an all-new tale of Marvel''... Mickey Mouse (2011) Completed Mickey Mouse (2011) N/a My Diary Completed My Diary My Diary was published during 1949 through 1950 for a total of 2 issues. This series continued into My Friend Irma. My Love (1949) Completed My Love (1949) My Love ran during 1949 through 1950 for 4 issues. Mad Max: Fury Road: Furiosa Completed Mad Max: Fury Road: Furiosa High in the Citadel there exists a bio-dome of clean air and pure water, protected from the toxicity and anarchy of the Wasteland. Here, the warlord I... Marvel Mystery Comics (1943) Completed Marvel Mystery Comics (1943) Reprinting Captain America Comics # 22 (1943) and Marvel Mystery Comics # 41 (1939). Cover reprinted from Marvel Mystery Comics # 33 (1939). Minimum Carnage: Alpha Completed Minimum Carnage: Alpha Cletus Kasady is back to doing what he does best: killing. However, he seems to be dancing to someone else''s directions this time. The story that wil... Minimum Carnage: Omega Completed Minimum Carnage: Omega MINIMUM CARNAGE FINALE! « 1 2 ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ... 36 37 »