Comic Genre Suspense

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Dead Body Road: Bad Blood

Slow Death

Watchmen: The Annotated Edition

Megacity 909

King of Nowhere

Young Master

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Belle: Beast Hunter


Evil Dead 2: Dark Ones Rising

Clarence: Getting Gilben

Dungeon - The Early Years

Bad Mother

Warren Ellis Crécy

Giant-Size Chillers

A Voice in the Dark


Bite Club: Vampire Crime Unit

Jason X Special

Creepy Presents Bernie Wrightson


World of Suspense

Brain Bats of Venus: The Life and Comics of Basil Wolverton

24: Legacy - Rules of Engagement

Dick Tracy: Dead Or Alive

Warren Ellis Blackgas2

Lord Pumpkin/Necromantra

Pandora's Eyes

Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs. Bane

Van Helsing vs. Robyn Hood

I Walk With Monsters

Cryptic Writings of Megadeth

Hedge Fund

Jules Verne's: Lighthouse

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953 - Beyond the Fences

Criminal Macabre: Final Night - The 30 Days of Night Crossover
