Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the beloved Jim Henson fantasy film with stories from inside the magical walls of the labyrinth. Featuring fan-favorite characters like Ludo, Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and a few surprises, th...
At the End of Your Tether
Nervous about having to see his ex, Ludo Carre gives her a phone call to explain he''ll be returning to the old base they grew up on. Big laughs and a familiar sort of cadence in Arlo''s voice don''t just instantly calm...
Jim Henson's Beneath the Dark Crystal
Movies & TV
Writer Adam Smith (Jim Henson''s Labyrinth 2017 Special) and artist Alexandria Huntington (Avengers Origins) present a new sequel to the hit film! Arriving at the Crystal Castle where he was once a lowly acolyte, Kensho...
Long Walk to Valhalla
What''s to Love: At Archaia, we are constantly on the lookout for that next special story that moves us, so when Long Walk to Valhalla crossed our path, we knew we had something special. This stunning debut graphic novel...