The year is 1740, and the Vatican is in turmoil. Grappling with a profound crisis of faith, outcast exorcist Father Franco Vieri is dispatched on a mission of grave importance — to rescue a Spanish nobleman from the clut...
Punisher (2023)
Marvel, Superhero
IS THIS THE RETURN OF FRANK CASTLE - OR THE START OF SOMETHING ELSE? Frank Castle has disappeared, but evil will always need to be punished. With all-new threats rising to claim innocent victims, criminals will need to b...
Savage Avengers (2022)
Marvel, Superhero
AN ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT, ALL-DANGEROUS TEAM ASSEMBLES! Since his exile from the Hyborian Age, Conan the Barbarian has conquered the most dangerous foes the modern Marvel Universe has to offer — but what happens when th...
Scout's Honor
Years after a nuclear apocalypse, a new society has risen from the ashes...and their bible is an old Ranger Scout manual. A young Ranger Scout named Kit has endured the harsh survivalist upbringing needed to con-quer the...