Comic Author Jim Starlin

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Marvel Universe: The End

Order and Outrage

Thanos: The Infinity Saga Omnibus

Midnight Rose

Marvel: The End

Dreadstar Returns

Fighting American: Dogs of War

The Infinity Entity

Thanos: The Infinity Finale

Thanos: The Infinity Relativity

Infinity War

Thanos Vs. Hulk

Thanos Annual

The Weird

Spaceknights (2000)

Warlock and the Infinity Watch

Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy

Dr. Weird Special

Gilgamesh II

Infinity Abyss

Thanos (2003)

Kid Kosmos: Kidnapped

Warlock Chronicles

Captain Marvel by Jim Starlin

Strange Adventures (2009)

Batman: The Cult

Marvel Graphic Novel

Infinity Crusade

Thanos: The Infinity Siblings

Daredevil / Black Widow: Abattoir

Hawkman Special (2008)

Death of the New Gods

Punisher: The Ghosts of Innocents

Guardians of the Galaxy: Road to Annihilation

Spaceknights (2012)

Wyrd the Reluctant Warrior
