12 Funkdafied Tales of Terror! In partnership with Second Sight Publishing, Dark Horse Comics is proud to present, Shook! A Black Horror Anthology. With over 190 pages of terrorizing material, the anthology is filled wit...
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light
Marvel, Superhero
Toni Brooks and her family have moved into the quiet town of Sweetwater. But nothing is quite what it seems in their new home. What mystery did Toni and her family unravel that would call upon the Sentinel of the Spacewa...
Black Comix Returns
Eisner-winning writer/artist/scholar JOHN JENNINGS (The Blacker the Ink) and Glyph Award-winning writer DAMIAN DUFFY (The Hole, Octavia E. Butler''s Kindred) follow up their highly respected (and out of print) 2010 artbo...