Following LIAM SHARP\'s epic STARHENGE, ORE charts the battle between the resurrected Ur-Queen and the horrifying AI of the CAST, in a galaxy-spanning conflict where ALL sentient life is threatened...
Starhenge Book One
A future Merlin travels to 5th-century Britain to prevent monstrous time-traveling killer robots from robbing the universe of magic, and Amber Weaver''s lively present-day narrative reveals how she becomes drawn into a w...
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman
DC Comics, Superhero
Don''t miss the start of a new, six-issue miniseries written and illustrated by Liam Sharp (WONDER WOMAN)! When a Celtic god''s murder leads to a war between the fairy folk and a possible breach between worlds, Wonder Wo...
Aliens: Fast Track to Heaven
Beneath the ice of Jupiter''s moon, life teems in lightless oceans. But more spectacular discoveries elsewhere in the cosmos have left Europa''s research facilities underfunded and ignored, a lonely wayside with an orbit...