Welcome to the hyper-violent hilarity of Blood Bowl, the mini-series that puts the fantasy (as in elves, dwarfs, orcs, and ogres) back into football! Blood Bowl novelist Matt Forbeck brings his trademark twisted blend of...
Magic: The Gathering--Path of Vengeance
Dack Fayden returns to Ravnica! Dack knows that the malevolent Sifa Grent has something sinister planned for the city of Ravnica, but he must uncover her plot while being pursued by Rakdos cultists and Boros soldiers. No...
Magic: The Gathering - The Spell Thief
Planeswalker Dack Fayden has followed Sifa Grent into a mysterious plane, where a Titan''s castle looms invitingly in the distance. Entering the castle in search of Sifa, Dack is soon imprisoned by the Titan and added to...