As the Lich King''s plague of undeath ravages the human kingdom of Lordaeron, a mighty blade is forged from a dark orb! In the hands of Highlord Alexandros Mograine, the blade will become legend. In time, both blade and...
Starcraft: Nova—The Keep
Video Games
Nova Terra is one of the Dominion''s best covert agents, and she''s no stranger to secrets. Her latest operation—to break into an impenetrable fortress known as the Keep—will push her to her breaking point and prove that...
World of Warcraft: Pearl of Pandaria
DC Comics, Superhero
In this enthralling original graphic novel published in a landscape format, you will meet the PANDAREN, one of the most beloved (and mysterious) races in World of Warcraft! Written by Blizzard''s own Micky Neilson (the W...
The Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen
Chris Halloran is having nightmares as he awaits trial for murder. Not in jail yet, Chris is conducting an investigation of his own: if he can prove the existence of werewolves, he might just have a chance at redemption—...