Published by the UK wing of Panini Comics. Initially the series reprinted US Spider-Man Adventures stories, set in the Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon universe. When available reprints ran out, the series switche...
X-Men: The Animated Series - The Further Adventures
Marvel, Superhero
Animated-style adventures from one of the X-Men''s greatest eras! Wolverine tackles the Hulk and Cyclops battles demons, while Beast and Gambit face Mister Sinister''s evil machinations — with help from Spider-Man! And w...
The Adventures of Spider-Man
Marvel, Superhero
The all-new animated adventures of Spider-Man! This series presents new stories which mirror, but do not directly adapt, the wall-crawler''s cartoon. Shot in the Dark; Spidey disapproves of the Punisher''s violent crime...
Spider-Man Adventures
Marvel, Superhero
A comic book series based off the animated Spider-Man TV show from the 1990''s.