A fantastic adventure following the story of Abbie, a deaf girl with a mysterious power, who is traveling across a vast desert to scatter her mother''s ashes. In a world of sleeping gods, a broken government, and a fragi...
A Year Of Marvels: September Infinite Comic
Marvel, Superhero
Join us in a brand new Marvel comics adventure as your favorite heroes journey through the calendar year one month at a time!
Marvel Rising (2019)
Marvel, Superhero
HEROES OF THE ROUNDTABLE! With the powers of GIRL and the powers of SQUIRREL on their side, Kamala Khan and Doreen Green are an unbeatable team! But that title is about to be seriously challenged — because New Jersey has...
Vault of Spiders
Marvel, Superhero
A SPIDER-GEDDON TIE IN! Only a Spider-Army can stop the end of the Multiverse! Meet Web-Slinger, the Spider-Man from the Wild West, in an unforgettable story by CULLEN BUNN (X-MEN BLUE) and JAVIER PULIDO (SHE-HULK)! He i...