Alan Burnett and Paul Dini return once more to the world of Batman: The Animated Series! Someone is targeting the Muscle now that he''s locked up in Blackgate Penitentiary. With his deep ties to the criminal underbelly o...
Batman: The Adventures Continue: Season Two
DC Comics, Superhero
Gotham City is changing. After Mayor Hill is killed by a mysterious assailant, Batman finds himself tracking down an ancient order that''s long been buried under the streets of Gotham: the Court of Owls. But what does th...
Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker
DC Comics, Superhero
“HARLEY LOVES JOKER” flashback tale that ran as a backup in HARLEY QUINN last year! As far as The Joker''s concerned, the new headquarters Harley built for them is absolutely perfect... but only she knows the whole place...