What makes someone turn to crime—especially in a modern, pandemic-riddled dystopia?Danny, a seemingly mundane young man lost in escapism, with a spiraling lack of control over his life, witnesses something during a deliv...
Alien (2022)
Marvel, Sci-Fi
A small colony of synths have settled in secret on a backwater moon. When a company of United System soldiers come to them for help retrieving biotechnology on a hostile planet that could be the key to saving humanity, t...
James Bond: 007 (2022)
OO7 is back in action! After a high-stakes rescue mission is mysteriously, violently sabotaged, Bond''s future at MI6 hangs in the balance. As he awaits his fate, James Bond is urgently contacted by an old flame and ment...
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Green Lantern
DC Comics, Superhero
When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost…but the spirit of the Justice League can never truly die. John Stewart takes flight to defend hi...