Attention Lenore fans: Roman Dirge is back with an all-new storybook-format tale! This time, it¹s the tragic story of a cat named Cat, and his misfortunes in life due to his enormously oversized head. This digest-sized t...
Lenore (1998)
Leading Ladies
Baby sitting! Visually-impaired mice! Soylent Green the limbless cannibal! Take a dark, surreal trip with Lenore, the cute little dead girl, into a world filled with vampire teddy bears, possessed stuffed animals, love o...
Lenore (2009)
From the wonderfully twisted imagination of Roman Dirge, Lenore is one of the funniest, darkest, cutest, creepiest characters around, and has become a huge global hit. Described by the *Los Angeles Times* as Sweet and st...