In the wake of an event that has shook the Power Rangers universe to its very foundations, the stage is set for a brand new adventure when a diehard Rangers fangirl named Lola somehow finds herself mixed up in a wacky me...
Firefly: The Fall Guys
The crew is broke and out of luck, and will have to deal with some less-than-trustworthy associates if the Serenity is going to keep flying.
What seems like an easy job in town for half the crew, is primed to turn sidewa...
Citizen Jack
Graphic Novels
A HORROR-COMEDY FOR ANYONE WHO HATES POLITICS! Every presidential candidate has a skeleton in their closet—Jack Northworthy worships the devil! A scandal-plagued, small town politician, Jack should in no way be president...
Green Lanterns
DC Comics, Superhero
New Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz promised to protect others in brightest day or blackest night, but as Red Planet begins to rise, the partners find themselves confronted with an unimaginable threat from Bleez and...