Mythical tales of bloodshed set in a Feudal Japan that runs rampant with spirits both demonic & heroic fighting for the fate of their world, from acclaimed creator Saverio Tenuta. At the dawn of time, the nature spirits...
The Mask of Fudo
Martial Arts
Set in the same feudal Japanese world of Legend of the Scarlet Blades and Izuna, comes an origin tale, full of the universe''s signature magic and blood. PUBLICATION IN 2 VOLUMES - COMPLETED WORK. Nobu Fudo has worn the...
Martial Arts
Since the dawn of time, the Izuna wolves have been entrusted as guardians against Japan''s evil spirits. Set in the wondrous world of Legend of the Scarlet Blades. From time immemorial, the spirits of nature created the...
Legend of the Scarlet Blades
Follow the journey of the amnesic ronin Raido in a medieval Japan where spirits still exert their magic on the land. Raido, a young amnesic Ronin–a masterless Samurai roams about in a quest for his memories. His first st...