A monthly UK title by Panini featuring original, British material involving a wide range of Marvel characters. The series ended with issue 35 after Marvel''s new owners, Disney, decided that all new stories based on Marv...
Tails of the Pet Avengers (2010)
Marvel, Superhero
They saved the world in LOCKJAW & THE PET AVENGERS...what''ve they been doing since? Find out in this super-sized special featuring Lockjaw, Redwing, and the rest of you favorite Pet Avengers take center-stage in their o...
Uncanny X-Men: First Class
Marvel, Superhero
The early days of the X-Men are revealed! Professor X invites the mysterious Inhumans into the X-Men''s home, but when Wolverine and Gorgon meet, the party turns ugly! Starring Cyclops, Storm, Banshee, Colossus, Nightcra...
Fin Fang Four Return!
Adventure, Marvel
FIN FANG FOOM! ELEKTRO! GOOGAM! GORGILLA! Once they were great and terrible, and all trembled in their wake! Now, reduced to human size, they must live in the modern world and earn a buck. So what happens when the freaki...