Hammer of the Gods: Hammer Hits China
Other Names
Hammer of the Gods: Hammer Hits China 2003
Gods, Gods, Gods... the world has more Gods than you can shake a broadsword at! And all these Gods have their own territory. Odin, top God in Asgard, has wandered into China and has been trapped by Chinese Gods. The Gods of Asgard are too busy to help. Only the Viking, Modi can find Odin and set him free. But Modi can''t touch a weapon, or he will lose his soul. This should be interesting. Modi has been honored by the Gods and has fought by the side of Thorr. But now Modi is only a mortal, faced with the dreary life of an earth-bound warrior. He has become a berserker - it is almost as if he has a death wish - to die in battle. And he just might get his wish as the Gods send him on a quest to cross the world, find Odin and set him free.
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