Other Names
Hex11 2016
In the world of Hex11, humans, through the discovery of a new energy source called The Ether, have found they are capable of Magic. As civilization moves from the Digital Age to this new Magic Age, corporate and federal entities are concealing what they know, seeing an opportunity for a new level of control and unprecedented monetary gain.
Related Series
The Unexpected (2011)
The X-Files: Season 11
Arthur Sex
Hexed (2014)
The Fox (2013)
The Fox (2015)
Phoenix (1975)
Phoenix (2010)
The Maxx (1993)
Heroic Age: X-Men
Jonah Hex (1977)
Jonah Hex (2006)
The X-Files (2016)
Aphrodite IX (2013)
The Maxx 100 Page Giant
The X-Files: Season 10
The Unexpected (2018)
Setting the Standard: Comics by Alex Toth 1952-1954
The Man Called A-X (1994)
Hellboy In Mexico (2016)
The Adventures of the 19XX
Hellboy In Mexico (2010)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019)
John Byrne's Next Men (1992)
The Dynamite Art of Alex Ross
Tales of the Unexpected (1956)
John Byrne's Next Men (2010)
Spider-Man: The Next Chapter
The Living Corpse: Exhumed
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013)
The X-Files/30 Days of Night
Guardians of the Galaxy (1990)
The X-Files: Deviations 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy (2018)
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1988)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1989)
The X-Files: Deviations (2016)
Clash of the Titans Exclusive Prequel comic
Genius, Isolated: The Life and Art of Alex Toth
Fantastic Four Trapped in the Data Vortex
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - X-Men Vs. Vampires
Leather & Lace Book II: Blood Sex & Tears
The Official Marvel Index To The X-Men (1994)
The Official Marvel Index To The X-Men (1987)
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Modala Imperative
NEWAVE! The Underground Mini Comix of the 1980's