Other Names
Ro-Busters the Complete Nuts and Bolts
Saved from the scrap heap by billionaire Howard Quartz, sewer droid Ro-Jaws and battle-weary war-bot Hammerstein became part of Ro-Busters - Quartz''s international, robotic rescue squad. Plunged into situations far too dangerous for human beings to handle, the robotic duo need to maintain a 100% success rate, or face the threat of being dismantled by the sadistic battle tank Mek-Quake!
Related Series
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Stranger Things Omnibus: Afterschool Adventures
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: The Real Ghostbusters
Rolling Blackouts: Dispatches from Turkey, Syria, and Iraq
Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and Other Stories
Professor Dario Bava: Murder Vibes From The Monster Dimension!
Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia: The Official Guide to the First 30 Years
The X-Files/Ghostbusters: Conspiracy
Dave Sheridan: Life with Dealer McDope, the Leather Nun, and the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
The Sandman Presents: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dreams...But Were Afraid to Ask