Spider-Man Battles The Myth Monster
Other Names
Spider-Man Battles The Myth Monster 1991
In the days of Camelot, the creature known as the Myth Monster was a being born out of dark magic of Morgan Le. The Myth Monster speciality was to instill fear in people by telling them lies and making them believe in them. However, King Arthur was able to fight the creature back due to his people believing in his words of truth and not the lies of the Myth Monster. In doing so, the Myth Monster was weakened and Merlin the Magician imprisoned him in an enchanted amulet. However, when Camelot fell the amulet made its way to the US over the course of many years. It was then found by a young boy in Shorehaven, Connecticut. He brought the amulet to school where he opened it and unleashed the creature on his school...
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