Star Masters
Other Names
Star Masters 1984
ALL COLOR!!! A double bill of science fiction action, wrapped up in a Paul Gulacy cover! First, there''s Women Of W.O.S.P.- Stephanie Stills, Jessica Klein and Olga Pietrovich- the beautiful trio who make up the Women''s Outer Space Patrol, an interplanetary police body created for special investigations. On the trail of a serial rapist in their first case, they don”t realize that he''s closer than they think. This unnamedstory is written, drawn and inked by Tom (The Punisher, Mutant X) Lyle.Then- in the far-flung future, a boy is born, of an alien mother and human father. Separated from his parents at an early age, he is trained by an evil conquering space empire to be a fighting machine. Breaking away from his oppressors, yet persecuted for his genetic heritage, he stalks the spaceways known only as Breed. This untitled feature is written, drawn and inked by Paul(Superman, Avengers)Ryan.Color cover by Gulacy, full color throughout. 36 pages, standard comic book format, printed in 1984.
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