The Agency (2014)
Other Names
The Agency (2014) 2014
Our story follows Riley Dean, a fifteen-year old orphan who inadvertently discovers he possesses extraordinary magical powers. Ordered by Embry, the head of the IAM, to locate and detain what appears to be a random teenage unknown , Riley is apprehended by IAM operatives as he attempts to flee a violent coffee shop explosion. Unbeknownst to the Agency''s operatives, Embry has been possessed by the spirit of Tievel, a once powerful dark mage now exiled from the physical world. Plotting to employ Riley''s unknown abilities to recover his physical form, Tievel''s spirit plots and controls Embry''s body to find the prodigal young mage and complete his quest for power and enslave all those who oppose him. Thus, the fate of the IAM and the world at large ultimately rest in the unknowing powerful hands of a fifteen-year old orphan.
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