The Terminator: The Dark Years
Other Names
Terminator: The Dark Years
In the first Terminator movie, Lt. Kyle Reese tells Sarah Connor of his life growing up in the post-nuclear ruins of the future. He called it the Dark Years. The future hasn''t changed much for those few humans still fighting with their leader, John Connor, against Skynet''s Terminator army. While a new cyborg is sent back to 1999 to eliminate John Connor, the Connor of the future discovers a new Terminator experiment that, if unchecked, may finally tip the scales against humanity.
Related Series
The Terminator: 1984
The Terminator: One Shot
The Terminator: Endgame
The Terminator: Suicide Run
The Terminator: Death Valley
The Terminator: One Shot (2024)
The Terminator: Enemy of My Enemy
The Terminator: The Burning Earth
The Terminator: All My Futures Past
The Terminator: Sector War
The Terminator: The Dark Years
The Terminator: Secondary Objectives
Superman vs. The Terminator: Death to the Future
The Exterminators
The Terminator 2029
The Terminator (1990)
The Terminator (2024)
The Terminator (1988)
The Terminator Omnibus
Robocop Versus The Terminator
Spider-Man: Bug Stops Here / The Exterminator: No Job Too Big
Aliens vs. Predator vs. The Terminator
The Terminator (1998)
Deathstroke (1991)
The Secret History of Marvel Comics