WWE Heroes
Other Names
WWE Heroes 2010
The King Of Shadows and his brother The Firstborn have waged an epic struggle since time began, reincarnating in various periods of human history. Now the King Of Shadows has returned and has set out to find his brother in attempt to end the war once and for all. A church of shadows has sprung up and the Reverend Josiah believes he is on the trail of indetifying the Firstborn as one of the superstars of the WWE. The King Of Shadows is irrate that the Reverend would believe his brother to be one of those charlatans and clowns and kills his minion. Then the King feels the presence of the Firstborn at a WWE event and reanimates the reverend, sending him and a group of followers to Wrestlemania in an attempt to unearth the identity of the Firstborn and bring him to the King Of Shadows.
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