Comic Author Chris Ryall

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Onyx (2022)

ZVRC: Zombies Vs. Robots Classic

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Zombies vs. Robots (2006)

Zombies vs. Robots Aventure

Zombies vs. Robots vs. Amazons

Zombies vs Robots: Undercity

KISS (2012)

KISS Girls

The Hollows

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Zombies vs Robots (2015)

Mars Attacks Zombie VS. Robots

Mars Attacks KISS

ROM: Dire Wraiths

Beowulf (2007)

ROM: Tales of the Solstar Order One-Shot

Infestation 2 Team-Up

Road Rage

Shaun of the Dead (2005)

Groom Lake

ROM: Revolution

The Colonized

Richard Matheson: Master of Terror Graphic Novel Collection

Mars Attacks: First Born

Land of the Dead

Clive Barker's The Great And Secret Show
